We all need shields in our lives – the things that protect us from any elements that won’t be in our best interest. We find security in things like seat belts, hard hats, and warm coats (during the few days of cool we get afforded here in Florida a year).
The homes that protect us within their walls keep much of what we don’t want inside out – rain, pests, wind, and the occasional sharknado. But, what protects the walls and the foundation of the home? Why, the roof, of course! Which further begs the question: what then protects the roof?
A Little Bit of Truth About Pressure Washing
Your roof has become such a beacon of protection that you likely don’t consider how the roof itself must be protected. You can do many things to protect your roof, and the greatest of these is routine cleaning. We understand that is a difficult task and should be undertaken only by those with the trained skills.
Let’s not forget about making sure that the right tools for the job are being used. Well, it’s easy to consider power washing your roof to keep it clean and maintained; not all rooftops were created equal, and some materials may be severely damaged with power washing. Fortunately, your pros at SharkProWash know the difference between the types of washing available for roofs.
What About Soft Washing?
One of the best options for getting your roof squeaky clean is soft washing. If you know anything about soft washing, you probably think that your roof must be made of sterner stuff that typically requires a soft wash.
As we said, however, there are roof materials and types of shingles that can sustain a decent amount of damage from processes like power washing. On the other hand, soft washing minimizes damage as it cuts down on the amount of pressure and doesn’t use as high of heat – All while still cleaning your roof effectively.
Do You Like Saving Money?
Most of us enjoy saving our dollars for the fun activities in life like that beach vacation you dreamt of last night. However, saving money on our homes is always a pivotal point in decision-making. While regular maintenance is costly, it does save a great deal of money in the long run.
Take your energy bill, for example. When you have your home professionally washed, especially your roof, you cut down on energy costs by keeping the home cooler from the outside in. It also eliminates many weak spots that can occur on your roof without proper maintenance.
Pests Suck – Keep ‘Em Away
Let’s not mince words here: pests are called that for a reason. Bugs, mice, and even the occasional bird are not suitable for entering your home through the top of it. Pests are attracted to dirt and grime, which are easy to collect in the topmost part of your home.
Keeping your home pest-free and therefore healthier and less buggy becomes a lot easier when you are routinely maintaining your roof with soft washing. We, as American homeowners, spend a great deal of money on keeping pests at bay around our homes – it’s important to remember to not forget about the top of our homes.
Give Your Roof Staying Power
We don’t know if you realize this, but replacing a roof is extraordinarily expensive. You likely have seen horror stories on getting total roof replacements and how dangerous and costly it really is. But, on the other hand, roofs are designed to last quite some time without needing to be replaced – as long as they’re being cared for.
Taking care of your roof means that you are keeping it clean. The same goes for many objects within your home – this principle needs to be applied to the exteriors of your home as well.
Good Health and Good Blessings
Mold is one of every homeowner’s least favorite words. It’s challenging to get rid of; it’s tough to keep away and can be one of the unhealthiest things entering uninvited into your family’s space.
Mold and mildew are dangerous things that have no place on or inside your home. While you may be thinking that mold is associated with moisture, therefore, how on earth can washing your roof stop this? It’s actually quite simple. The washing pressure makes sure to break up anything that is not wanted on your roof and disperses it: Including dangerous mold.
Your Insurance Will Thank You
Just like car warranties, your roof and your home come with specific responsibilities to maintenance in making sure that, should catastrophe strike, you and your family are fully covered from financial ruin.
In most cases, your roof and its maintenance are part of this plan. Ensuring that you are regularly cleaning your roof with appropriate equipment can help keep your insurance premiums at a minimum and your warranty intact.
A Wise Investment, Indeed
Investing in the cleanliness of the exteriors of your home is wise. This investment will pay back in dividends in many of the ways we’ve mentioned – and then some. Through a wide variety of studies, we know that the exteriors of your home offer the all-important curb appeal that will keep your home as a star on the market.
There is also a matter of aesthetics for you. There is something undeniably satisfying watching dirt, grime, and other detritus melt away off of your home’s exteriors, leaving an incredible clean underneath that you could stare at for hours.
Let Your Chums At Shark Help
We have said it before, and we will say it again… and again and again. Any variety of pressure washing should be done by a professional. There is an element of know-how involved, not to mention expensive equipment to do the job right. If the job is not done right, it will result in dangerous circumstances for you and your family, including injury to you or damage to the exteriors of your home.
SharkProWash is eager to take a bite out of grime on your roof. We’ve been circling these waters for many years and have homed in on the needs of homeowners like yourself. SharkProWash is proud to offer results that make JAWS drop!